A new
addition to the front cemetery gates are a pair of lighted pillars
constructed nearly identical to the existing pair that the gargoyles
rest upon. The 2 distinct differences are that they are made entirely from
2" foam and the are adorned with a set of globe lights. |
globes are 6" round plastic globes from Home Depot sitting on the
lighting fixtures. I added 4 strips of brass and one brass band around
the center. They are attached to each other with 1/8" rivets and at
the top a 1/4" bolt with threaded lamp finial. |
The overall dimensions of each pillar is
by 14.5" by 42.5" high without the globes.
- The center part measures 10" by
10" overall, but is actually constructed as an 10" by
6" shaft with 2" thick by 2.5" wide pieces of
foam glued on opposite sides. This creates the recessed areas.

- The base is glued to the bottom of the center shaft after the
recess frames are dry. The image to the right shows the profile
dimensions of the base.
- A couple of long strips are cut to the noted dimensions and fit
around the bottom.
- After the adhesive has dried I use a rasp to even out the
adjacent surfaces to create a uniform appearance.
- Four inch wide strips of 1/4" plywood are glued to the
inside of each column on one side only. This is so the brackets for
the fence panels can be secured properly.
- Additional strips of wood may be glued to the inside for more
weight if required.
- Each globe has a low wattage night light bulb inserted
thru the top of the column and the bottom of the globe. This will provide just enough
illumination to draw attention to the graveyard without washing out
the eeriness.
- One of the lights will be connected to a Flicker Box.

