created a stone well as shown in the Horror film of 2002, The Ring with
an animated prop of the little girl Samara appearing to rise from below. |

The well
is constructed using an old plastic garbage pail cut down to about
24" high with stones carved from 2" foam. The stones are then
glued to the pail with Liquid Nails and minimal expanding spray foam is
used as the mortar to fill in the spaces. All the stones were
created from the scraps of previous projects. |


The stones are then coated with a layer of very
dark Monster Mud. When dry, shading and highlights are added to
re-create aged stone.
For Samara, I created a pair of small child size hands the same way
that I made my Mr. Bosco hands.
- They are basically created using thin sculpting wire formed in
the shape of a small hand. Hot glue is then used to secure each finger
to the center wire that also forms the middle finger.
- 1/4" foam is added to each finger and secured with some
masking tape. Additional foam is added to create the back of the hand
and the palm. Masking tape is used to hold the faom together till the
latex and tissue paper is added.



- Latex soaked cotton and tissue paper is added to simulate
waterlogged skin.
- As with the Mr. Bosco hands, Samara's are painted with a
mixture of latex paint and liquid latex. The colors are
to simulate waterlogged skin, a light blue greenish tone.
- A long cheap black wig on a styrofoam head mounted on a
1/2" pvc pipe is used for the little girl's head. Chicken wire
and foam is used to create the basic shape of her shoulders and
arms. The half figure is covered with a young girls white night

- The head will slowly bob up and down using a 120Vac, 3rpm motor
and crankshaft system. Samara will be activated by a motion detector
and timing circuit. The motor and electronics are contained
within a plastic pail and lid, the head is on a 1/2" dia. pvc pip
and passes thru the center of the lid.
- The crank system is the same as I have used in the past for my
Mr. Bosco and Thing props, but I added a couple of rubber bands
as indicated by Chris Olsen for his animated Alien
Pop-up head. This helps keep the head mostly vertical with slight
side to side movement.